How to get a UK ancestry Visa

If you're a resident of a Commonwealth state and one of the grandparents were brought up in the UK You could be qualified to apply for 5-year UK Ancestry Visa. This permits you to reside, work and take classes within the UK. At the end of five years, you may either request a renewal or apply for the settle status.

Ancestral Visa UK is a great option. Ancestral Visa UK does not need you to have had a job offer in the UK before applying. This makes it a more straightforward process for those who qualify. It is not possible to claim public money on this type of visa, therefore documentation of your maintenance is crucial to obtain a satisfactory outcome.

Since you're applying as a cousin of the British citizen, you'll have to submit a thorough proof to prove the applicant's British roots. This can be a challenge to locate for grandparents who have left the UK some time long time ago.