How to get permanent Residence UK

There are a few ways to get permanent residence in the UK. The most common way is to get a job offer from a UK-based company. Once you have been working for the company for five years, you can apply for permanent residence.

Another way to get permanent residence is to become a naturalized citizen. To become a naturalized citizen, you must be a legal resident of the UK for at least five years. You must also pass a citizenship test and meet other eligibility requirements.

If you are the spouse or dependent of a British citizen, you may be able to apply for permanent residence through the “family route”. To qualify, you must have lived in the UK with your spouse or partner for three years. You must also have been married for two years, or if you are the dependent of your spouse, their ten years of residency in the UK is required.

The other way to get permanent residence in the UK is through “investment”. The investor route requires you to invest a large sum of money into business ventures that are approved by the British Government. If you meet initial investment requirements, it may be possible to obtain permanent resident status this way after five years.

All these routes will require that you take citizenship tests and pass background checks before being allowed to stay in the country indefinitely. It is also wise to hire immigration solicitor who can help you understand what options are available to you if any.

Applying for permanent residence in the UK

can be a very lengthy process. Many people find themselves in need of legal help when it comes to filing for visas and residency in the UK, due to either work or family situations.

A London-based law firm, USA Attorney Search has compiled a list of the best immigration solicitors Manchester who are capable, well-versed with all laws regarding immigration in the UK, thus making them an ideal choice for filing cases regarding permanent residence in the UK. The website also provides useful information on how to get British citizenship and what are their eligibility requirements.